Saturday, February 6, 2010

out of order~ Oct. 19, 2009

i have become aware that, aside from my mother, aunts and cousins, there are two people in my life that i can really talk to.. i can tell them exactly how i feel and why i feel that way.. they don't try to fix my problems, they just listen and i am grateful

i have become aware that, of those wonderful people i just mentioned, i don't see any of them as much as i would like to, as much as i need to

i have become aware that, of all the other people in my life, the ones i am in contact with on a daily basis, none of them care too much about my well-being.. they all depend on me for one thing or another, but they don't care if i'm happy or sad, calm or mad.. they just take take take and don't bother to notice no one is taking care of me

i have become aware that i need a daily dose of happy.. do doctors write prescriptions for happy?

i have become aware that i can't take any of the pieces out of my life in an attempt to fix this, and my plate is too full to add more