Sunday, January 30, 2011


I think I'm happier today than I have ever been before in my life. I don't mean the moment to moment moods caused by hugs and ice cream or arguments and stubbing your toe; I mean the general trend over days and weeks.
I have come to realize that life really is what you make it, those words aren't empty; you are what you eat and your thoughts do become things.
I'm impressed with my own ability to make real changes in my life, positive and negative. I have to power to be and do anything. I don't need to wait for someone to make a difference for me; I have everything I need to make all the difference in the world. You do too. Isn't that awesome?!

1 comment:

  1. First of all, I am so happy for you that this journey of self discovery has come full circle for you to be able to apprciate your strength as a woman ....not a mother, sister, aunt, friend, lover....but you as you.
    Secondly, never forget that everyone has the power and strength to make positive changes in their lives no matter how the steep the climb may be - humans have the ability to adapt and grow if they choose.
    Thirdly, I had no idea/or forgot that you had a public blog!
    Love you miss you and come to Chicago this summer.
